Felicia and Adam discuss wrapping up another year in private practice in 2023.
HIPAA for Healthcare: https://www.hipaaexams.com/hipaa/healthcare
HIPAA Information: https://www.hipaaexams.com/blog/hipaa-training-requirements
HIPAA Compliance Checklist: https://www.hipaaexams.com/blog/compliance-checklist
HIPAA Basics for Providers: https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNProducts/Downloads/HIPAAPrivacyandSecurity.pdf
HIPAA Privacy Rule: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/index.html
● https://porrazzanutrition.com
● https://www.facebook.com/MyDietitianJourney
● https://www.instagram.com/mydietitianjourney/
● https://mydietitianjourney.wordpress.com/
Felicia Porrazza is a registered and licensed dietitian with a masters degree in dietetics administration, an ACSM certified personal trainer, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, college nutrition faculty instructor, and owner of Porrazza Nutrition LLC and My Dietitian Journey. In her private practice, she works one-on-one with clients to help them develop an understanding of healthy eating and fitness. She specializes in combining plant-based eating with fitness programs, specifically targeting beginner strength-training. Felicia has been a mentor to Dietitians starting their own private practice and a dietetic internship preceptor for Dietetic students.
Disclaimer:Information provided is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice. All information is for general educational purposes only.