My Dietitian Journey Podcast

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome

Episode Summary

Feeling like you didn't earn your success or like you don't belong in your position is very normal and commonly referred to as imposter syndrome. Felicia and Adam discuss how to deal with it.

Episode Notes


Felicia Porrazza is a registered and licensed dietitian with a masters degree in dietetics administration, an ACSM certified personal trainer, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, college nutrition faculty instructor, and owner of Porrazza Nutrition LLC and My Dietitian Journey. In her private practice, she works one-on-one with clients to help them develop an understanding of healthy eating and fitness. She specializes in combining plant-based eating with fitness programs, specifically targeting beginner strength-training. Felicia has been a mentor to Dietitians starting their own private practice and a dietetic internship preceptor for Dietetic students.